3 min readFeb 2, 2022



Today, more than ever before, people want to feel like you care about them. The world is louder and noisier than ever before, and attention is our most valuable resource.

It’s of no news again how important content marketing is to industries, companies, firms and


In 2017, I downloaded an application from a store, but the application doesn’t give me what I want so I downloaded another one, and the second did the same, so I had to call friends for recommendations, I also had to got reviews from people before I got the application that worked fine. The point I am making here is the important of contents from calling friends to reading a review.

Let me tell you little about content.

According to https://neilpatel.com/ he defined content marketing as … a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

Today, more than ever before, people want to feel like you care about them. The world is louder and noisier than ever before, and attention is our most valuable resource.

Keep that in mind as we take a look at some of the different types and strategies of content marketing that made me a better agency.

However, any successful content marketing agency today can hardly ignore the online part.

The best way to learn how to be a great content marketer is by example.

That’s why I’ll show you 4 great examples of content marketing in all categories. Then, you can model them, tweak them, romance them, and apply them to your own businesses.

If your content doesn’t cater to the right people with the right problem that your product solves, then your content marketing efforts are all for not.

Of course, you’ll probably want to adapt this to fit your own audience and marketing theories.

Whatever the case, though, you should always start with your audience.

You must create content for that audience. Then, and only then, will the right people pay attention to you.

That is to say, content marketing builds brand awareness, engagement, and evangelism.

See the below steps.

I Understood the Market

Above all else, you can’t be an effective salesperson if you don’t understand who you’re selling to and what the market landscape looks like. We’re not talking about just knowing their name, title, company name, website URL and email. We’re talking about really understanding what makes them tick.

What does a day in the life of your prospect look like? What challenges are they facing? What could make their life easier?

Gaining this knowledge about your prospect will help improve your understanding of how they can benefit from your solution and enable you to position your product or service in a way that will resonate with them. I tried as much to understand where my audience demographics, there challenges, and how to reach them.

I Focus on the Right Leads

It starts with knowing who you’re targeting (i.e. identifying your buyer personas and ideal customer profile). From there, you should be able to determine what they’re struggling with, what their challenges are and how you can align your messaging and offers to their pain points.

When you focus on the right leads, you tend to see better win rates, larger average deal sizes and higher customer lifetime value. If you’re focusing on the people who are best served by your solution, it’s easier to close them as customers.

This way, you’re not spending as much time selling to them and you’re going to have a higher probability of closing them. You just have to ensure your timing is right and that they’re ready for what you’re offering.

I prioritize my client,/customers.

Keep that same ideology in mind anytime you make a decision. Prioritize your customers first, then your company second, your team third and yourself last.

I Leverage Your CRM

At New Breed, we’re big fans of ClickUp. Our sales team uses it as their CRM platform, but we’ve also integrated it with HubSpot, our marketing automation software, so there’s full transparency between marketing and sales. Knowing what blog posts they’ve read, what pages they’ve visited and what emails they’ve opened can give us a better sense of what they’re interested in, what their pain points are and how they came to know about us in the first place can better inform our outreach.




We understand the value of an excellent marketing strategy with effective planning. We offer diverse services to soothe your business aims and objectives.