Why you should use AI for your content Marketing.

5 min readMar 7, 2022

Firstly, let understand what an AI is?

The short answer to What is Artificial Intelligence actually depends on who you ask.
Someone with a fleeting understanding of technology would link it to robots. They’d say Artificial Intelligence is a terminator like-figure that can act and think on its own.
If you ask about artificial intelligence to an AI researcher, (s)he would say that it’s a set of algorithms that can produce results without having to be explicitly instructed to do so. And they would all be right. So to summarize, Artificial Intelligence meaning is:

· An intelligent entity created by humans.

· Capable of performing tasks intelligently without being explicitly instructed.

· Capable of thinking and acting rationally and humanely.

The goal of AI is to build a computer system that is capable of modeling human behavior so that it can use human-like thinking processes to solve complex problems.

To accomplish this objective, AI systems utilize a whole series of techniques and processes, as well as a vast array of different technologies.

By looking at these techniques and technologies, we can begin to really understand what AI actually does, and thus, how it works, so let’s ride on.

i know we all understand what CM is:

Content marketing is a marketing strategy used to attract, engage, and retain an audience by creating and sharing relevant articles, videos, podcasts, and other media. This approach establishes expertise, promotes brand awareness, and keep your business top of mind when it’s time to buy what you sell. so we can say AI content marketing can help improve your business functions and make life easier for your marketing teams.

Now Why you should use Artificial Intelligence for your content marketing.

Artificial intelligence is changing the landscape of almost every industry, and marketing is no different. With machine learning, AI can learn huge quantities of data at higher speeds than possible for humans, and then use this information to do a variety of tasks.

AI should be used in marketing where speed is essential (like boosting content creation)…and just to make a marketer’s life easier! Overall, AI marketing software can help improve the ROI of your business.

AI marketing tools use data to learn how to best communicate with customers, reproduce natural language, make ad campaign decisions, and analyze competition. For many of today’s marketers, AI is used to support marketing teams and perform tactical tasks that don’t require as much human intervention.

When used well, AI marketing platforms will help your organization save money, time, and efforts, all while improving customer relations and products.

Let me share with you the 7 AI tools you should use for your content marketing

1. Grammarly

Grammarly is an online and app-based software that checks your grammar and spelling in real-time across multiple browsers and platforms at once, from Microsoft to Google to Apple and Android. You can get a plugin for any major browser, but they really push their free Google Chrome plugin to get started.

Grammarly’s AI algorithm took high school English seriously. It doesn’t just check if individual words are spelled right, or if phrases are grammatically sound (syntax) but it also takes in the broader meaning of the piece in order to figure out whether a phrase makes sense or not (semantics). Not only that, but it also takes style into account: are you writing an engaging article that ranks on Google, a funny video script, or a formal white paper?

2. GrowthBar

GrowthBar is an SEO tool that pulls together only the data points that modern-day marketers actually need to make everyday decisions. GrowthBar is an SEO and automated content generation tool. GrowthBar can help you identify exactly which strategies are going to move the needle for your business so you’re not wasting time and money in the wrong places. Then of course, GrowthBar enables you to make blog post content outlines with one click of a button using GPT-3 AI.

GrowthBar Features include:

3. CoPilot

Copilot is an AI chatbot for marketers looking for a seamless integration between their ecommerce stores and Facebook Messenger. Copilot allows for real-time communication with customers through Messenger at every stage of the purchasing funnel.

4. Albert AI

Albert AI is an all-around AI marketing tool that helps marketers optimize campaigns across channels in paid search and social accounts. It processes and analyzes audience and tactic data at scale, autonomously allocating budget, optimizing creative and evolving campaigns across paid search, social, and programmatic channels.

Albert AI takes over the monotonous marketing ad-focused tasks of testing, scheduling, budgeting, bidding, analyzing, and providing insights, so that marketers can get back to focusing on connecting and creating.

5. MarketMuse

MarketMuse is all about AI. One of their slogans’ is even: “AI does the work. You take the credit.” MarketMuse optimizes your content with the following process:

First, they conduct AI-driven research on your topic, and determine a personalized difficulty score for you to rank for it based on an assessment of how well you’ve covered a topic across your entire content inventory.

Then, they provide detailed content briefs, using machine learning to analyze the content published already about a subject, and determine what related topics are important and the amount of content necessary to cover these topics.

6. Conversion.ai

Conversion.ai is one of the best content generators on the market. Their AI (which they’ve affectionately named Jarvis) instantly generates high-quality copy for almost endless options beyond your marketing classics. Conversion AI has one main feature — content generation — that you can use in almost endless ways.

7. Crayon

Crayon is a competitive intelligence tool that helps monitor the actions of your competitors on–and off–their sites. Its AI uses hundreds of millions of competitive intelligence sources to track anything from product and pricing changes, to employee reviews, to marketing campaigns launched.

Then, it puts all this information into a visual dashboard that helps marketers identify trends and make quick and informed decisions. These dashboards are customizable so you track exactly what you want (over 100 different data points) to help your marketing goals.

AI is a big part of the future. Growth in this industry will be exponential in the coming years. Companies are now starting to see the benefits of using AI for their content marketing needs. There are many ways that AI can benefit your marketing strategy, from finding new opportunities to writing content for your company blog and so much more. Find out what you stand to gain from employing AI into your Content Marketing Strategy

AI Marketing is the Future: The Future is on your hands.




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